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Palestinian Shorts 3

  • Scene 37 Sderot HaMeginim Haifa, Haifa District (map)

Ten Bell Tolls by Eli Rezik

The story of Elias, a 10 year-old reticent orphan living with his grandparents; a priest and a delusional grandmother. Due to unfortunate events, Elias must face the bitterness of life while dealing with his troubled grandmother and the people trying to separate them from each other.

Swing by Shadi Habib Allah

Siblings Muhand and Rasha move to a new village and are subjected to ridicule and scorn as the local children know that their mother was murdered by their father in an "honor killing".

Between Two Deaths by Amir Fakhreddin

Kameel and Zenab are two Syrian farmers living under Israeli occupation in the Occupied Golan Heights. The two are torn between the echoes of the constant shelling in Syria, and decades old Israeli forced occupation.


The Day My Father Dies by Nayef Hammoud

Saleh is an acting student in Paris, who returns to his hometown, Haifa, in order to work on a play based on a eulogy to his father, Amar.


Earlier Event: March 26
Borders and Promises
Later Event: March 26
Much Loved by Nabil Ayouch